
Lingalog: learning languages in an autonomous and common way. Our main goal is to provide some tools to learn languages getting in relation with native speakers from different languages. These native speakers can practice each other's languages through the creation of different pedagogical projects. Lingalog focuses on a practical and common distance work using Intercomprehension between two or more languages.

This experience started in 2005 in the Language Centre at the University Lumière Lyon 2, in France. Nowadays this site is in its 4th version which shows its constant evolution thanks to the participation and recommendations from its users as well as the research done on this site.

Our main goals are:

  • Allowing users' learning progress in the languages in an institutional framework,
  • creating and reinforcing networks and links among universities to get student's interchanges and on-line pedagogical work.
  • Prepare teachers and public in general to CALL and Information and Communication Technologies.

Even though Lingalog priority is French teachers in the world our plate-form is open to everybody. It's inside an interlinguistic and intercultural dialogue that lays our ambition: promoting debates, interchanging ideas, sharing points of view, respecting the others thoughts, being rational in the way to express oneself, meeting different people and all that for promoting an ethic language learning in a humanistic framework.

Lingalog users can communicate using and participating in at least one of these four tools:

Technological tools available in Lingalog:

  • wiki (Dokuwiki): Home, personal pages, common pages, resources, sharing files, informations, comments, etc.
  • forum (phpBB): public dialogue , limited to some groups
  • e-mail internal system (phpBB): dialogue with teachers, e-tandem interchanges, teamwork interchanges, users interchanges
  • chat (AJAX Chat): instant dialogue, teamwork discussions, CALL learning
  • groupware (Horde) : e-mail, notes, tasks, calendar, addresses.

New in Lingalog? Click here for more information (in french)